Monday, June 1, 2009

Audio Surf 39

AudioSurf is kind of a Guitar Hero that has no guitar and instead of "boringly" playing the tunes, you are actually driving a car or, better said, a space ship. Still,
the best part about it is the fact that you can upload your own music and AudioSurf will generate 3D tracks of your uploaded songs, enabling you to surf through your favorite tunes. Not to mention that it's cheap and promises to bring a ton of online achievements.

The game was among the finalists of the Independent Games Festival and it will soon be available for purchase via Valve's Steam service for $8.95, while a purchase via the official website will be one dollar more expensive. AudioSurf on Steam also includes The Orange Box soundtrack, integrated with the game to enable "Still Alive" surfing and more. Being one of the first titles to use the recently announced Steamworks, if you purchase the game from Valve's service, you will also unlock the possibility to get tons of achievements on your profile pages. That is if you're good enough, of course!

So, the game basically allows you to "surf" any track you want and it supports MP3s, iTunes M4As, WMAs, CDs and OGGs. You have 14 characters to choose from and online scoreboards for each songs you play, as well as the Steam Achievements option. So, what do you want more?

AudioSurf will be released on the 15th of february and a demo will hit this game's official website on the same day. Or you can go search it over at File Shack and start playing. Remember - the demo has no online support and, even though you might be tempted to stick to the single player mode only, since it will be helluva fun experience, if you really like the game you can give it a try - it's just 9 bucks!

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