Monday, June 1, 2009

Audio Surf 42

Through a process that seems like magic (but what is simply ingenious programming code), Audiosurf analyzes any song the player chooses and creates a unique 3D level out of it. The level's shape and speed are determined by various factors such as the song's tempo, melody, instruments, vocals, and more. Ride Your Music is an apt slogan for this unique rhythm based puzzle game.

Read the full review of indie game Audiosurf below.
Indie Game Audiosurf Review - Puzzle, Music, Racing game hybrid

After loading up Audiosurf, players are prompted with the option to select a track. For those with limited music libraries, Valve includes the entire The Orange Box soundtrack (which includes music from Half Life 2, Team Fortress, and Portal).

But for those of us with music libraries that stretch the capacity of a 30 gig iPod or Zune, The Orange Box soundtrack simply serves as a demo of its true capacity. Audiosurf can play any song from virtually any format. The following is a list of all supported audio formats:

* Music CDs
* MP3
* iTunes M4A (iTunes songs must be burned to a CD first, unless they are DRM-free)

After selecting a song, the game will automatically analyze various aspects of the track, and craft a fully three dimensional level. Since the speed is measured by the song, players can only move left or right between several columns using either the keyboard's directional arrows, or by moving the mouse left or right.

Read more: "Audiosurf: Indie Game, Ride Your Music (Review): A Music-based Puzzle Racer that Adapts Audio Files into 3D Levels |" -

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